Omiyage : Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang
<div id="journalDescription"><p><strong>OMIYAGE: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang</strong> ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank">2613-9022</a> (Electronic) is an online, open access peer-reviewed journal, which is published by Universitas Negeri Padang twice a year (every June and December). This journal is for all contributors who concern with researches related to Japanese language education studies which have never been published before.</p><p> <img src="/public/site/images/maulluddul_haq/cover_omiyage(150px)1.jpg" alt="" /></p><p>The articles published on <strong><strong><strong>OMIYAGE: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang</strong></strong></strong> can be written in Indonesian, English, or Japanese. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by two reviewers who are competent in related fields.</p><p> </p></div>Universitas Negeri Padangen-USOmiyage : Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang2613-9022Author must ensure that they have sought and obtained all the necessary permissions to reproduce any text, fugures, videos, data, etc. prior to submitting their paper to review to avoid problems post-acceptanceJenis dan Makna Onomatope dalam Novel Kimi no Nawa Karya Makoto Shinkai
<p><em>Onomatopoeia is a word that expresses sounds, states, movements, and feelings. Besides being used in spoken language, onomatopoeia is also widely used in literary works such as novels to make the story livelier and more entertaining. However, onomatopoeic words are very difficult for foreign people to understand. The purpose of this research is to describe the types and meanings of onomatopoeia found in Kimi no Nawa novel. The data were analyzed by using theory of Shibatani (1990) and theory of Akimoto (2002). This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques use documentation study techniques. The source of data in this research was the Kimi no Nawa novel and the data were all of onomatopoeia used in this novel. The research findings show that there were 3 types of onomatopoeia in 127 data. Based on the frequencies of types of onomatopoeia, gitaigo is the most dominant type of onomatopoeia used in the novel with 67 data (52,75%). In addition, gijougo is the least used in the novel with 26 data (20,47%). Furthermore, there are 9 out of 10 classifications of the meanings of onomatopoeia; imitation of natural phenomena with 3 data (2.36%), imitation of animal sounds with 1 data (0.78%), imitation of human voices with 12 data (9.44%), imitation of human behaviors with 27 data (21.25%), imitation of human conditions or feelings with 35 data (27.55%), imitation of human health conditions with 3 data (2.36%), imitation of object sounds with 19 data (14.96%), imitation of object movements with 7 data (5.51%), and imitation of the characteristics or state of an object with 20 data (15.74%).</em></p>Rahman EduinNova Yulia
Copyright (c) 2024 Rahman Eduin, Nova Yulia
<em>This Study is motivated by the obstacles experienced by students in remembering and memorizing hiragana letters, because previous learning media have not been able to attract students' interest in learning hiragana letters. The selection of media in learning must be flexible and able to adjust to student conditions and technological developments. Based on this, through the illustration video media on the Wagomu Japanese Class channel, the researcher conducted a study to determine the effect of illustration video media on the Wagomu Japanese Class channel on the mastery of hiragana letters.</em> <em>This study is a type of quasi-experimental research using a posttest only control group design. The sample in this study were 38 students of class XII APHP 1 and 2 of SMK PP Negeri Padang. The results of this study indicate that the results of the Independent Sample t-test, the significance value in the sig. column. (2-tailed) is 0.039, meaning that the sig. value is smaller than the significance level of 0.05. Thus, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that the illustration video media on the Wagomu Japanese Class channel has an effect on the mastery of hiragana of class XII students of SMK PP Negeri Padang.</em>Cici AstikaHendri Zalman
Copyright (c) 2024 Cici Astika, Hendri Zalman
<em>Adverbs in Japanese are called fukushi. Sudjianto and </em><div><em>Dahidi (2009: 165) explain that fukushi is a class of words </em></div><div><em>that cannot change form and can be an adverb for yoogen </em></div><div><em>(verb, adjective-i, adjective-na) without the help of other </em></div><div><em>words. Mada is one of the fukushi words that included into </em></div><div><em>the jootai no fukushi type (Sudjianto and Dahidi, 2009: </em></div><div><em>167). In general, mada gives the meaning of 'still' or 'not </em></div><div><em>yet' depending on the sentence structure. However, </em></div><div><em>Sunakawa et al. (2015: 582-584) divide the functions of </em></div><div><em>mada fukushi into 6 types. Japanese learners in general </em></div><div><em>are only limited to knowing the function of mada into two </em></div><div><em>meanings which are 'still' or 'not yet' depending on the </em></div><div><em>sentence structure. Because of the many functions, the </em></div><div><em>researcher considered the importance of this study for </em></div><div><em>Japanese language learners. The purpose of this research </em></div><div><em>is to find out what are the functions of fukushi mada in the </em></div><div><em>anime Spy X Family Season 1. The research design used </em></div><div><em>is descriptive method and qualitative research. The data </em></div><div><em>source in this research is the anime Spy X Family Season </em></div><div><em>1. Based on the data that has been analyzed, researchers </em></div><div><em>found 4 out of 6 functions of fukushi mada based on the </em></div><div><em>theory of Sunakawa, et al. (2015) in the data source. The </em></div><div><em>functions found are 1) Expressing something that is </em></div><div><em>expected to happen has not yet happened or has not been </em></div><div><em>completed, 2) Expressing continuity from a time that has </em></div><div><em>passed, 3) Expressing continuity into the future, 4) </em></div><div><em>Indicating something or time still exists or remains. The </em></div><div><em>functions that were not found were the time lapse function </em></div><div><em>and the comparison function.</em><em></em></div>Nimat IsmatullahRita Arni
Copyright (c) 2024 Nimat Ismatullah, Rita Arni
2024-12-182024-12-1872216223Korelasi Penguasaan Huruf Katakana dengan Kemampuan Gairaigo pada Mahasiswa Bahasa Jepang
<em><span lang="IN">This study is motivated by the expert opinion that said the discussions about gairaigo can’t be separated from discussions about katakana which leads to the assumptions that the higher the mastery of katakana letters, the higher ability of gairaigo. The aims of this study were to see the relationship between katakana letters mastery and gairaigo ability among Japanese Language Education Students at Padang State University. This study used a quantitative approach with the correlation analysis method. The sample in this study consists of Japanese Language Education Students at Padang State University, admitted in 2023, which is selected using purposive sampling technique. The instruments used in this study are tests, specifically test to measure mastery of katakana letters and ability test of gairaigo. The initial hypothesis in this study is H0 if there is no significant relationship between mastery of katakana letters and gairaigo ability and H1 if there is a significant relationship between mastery of katakana letters and gairaigo ability. The results of the correlation tests in this study found a correlation between the two variables, with a sig. value of 0.00 and a correlation coefficient value of 0.547, which is classified as a moderate relationship strength and has a positive value. Thus, this study proves that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is a significant relationship between mastery of katakana letters and gairaigo ability.</span></em>Dhani FajriRita Arni
Copyright (c) 2024 Dhani Fajri, Rita Arni
<em>Requestive speech acts are actions and utterances aimed at asking the interlocutor to do something. Requestive speech acts can sometimes be expressed directly or indirectly, which can lead to misunderstandings between the speaker and the interlocutor. This research aims to identify the context, strategies, and functions of requestive speech acts to prevent misunderstandings between the speaker and the interlocutor. This type of research is qualitative, using descriptive methods. The data used in this study are requestive speech acts. The data source is the anime Boku no Hero Academia Season 1. In this study, 25 data points were found that utilized different strategies and functions, detailed as follows: 12 imperative strategies with an impositive function, 7 imperative strategies with functions different from impositive, 1 strategy for expressing needs and desires with a face-threatening act function, 3 advising strategies with a face-threatening act function, 1 signaling strategy with an impositive function, and 1 strategy for asking the interlocutor's willingness with a face-threatening act function, based on linguistic context, social context, and situational context. The strategies for requestive speech acts that were not found in this study are the performative strategy and the obligation strategy. Additionally, factors influencing the emergence of requestive speech act strategies are based on linguistic context, social context, and situational context, which are not always bound by strict language rules due to the bond or closeness between the speaker and the interlocutor.</em>Muhammad Haqim FauzaniHendri Zalman
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Haqim Fauzani, Hendri Zalman
<p><em>The expression of gratitude is one of the most frequent expressions in everyday life and plays a very important role in society to build solidarity between individuals and maintain social harmony. In communication, there are several types of speech acts, one of which is the speech act of gratitude which is included in expressive speech acts. This study aims to describe the differences and similarities in the politeness of Japanese and Sundanese thank you speech acts as seen from the strategy of expressing gratitude in online newspapers. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive method and the data used in this research are sentences containing Japanese and Sundanese thank you speech. The data sources taken are from several online newspapers, in Japanese the online newspapers are Mainichi Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, The Yomiuri Shimbun, The Sankei Shimbun, and Oricon News. While in Sundanese language, namely Pikiran Rakyat, Pikiran Rakyat Jabar, Metro Jabar, Malang Hits, Kabar Garut.Com, Galura, Jurnal, and The results showed that there were 10 expressions of Japanese speech acts of gratitude and there were 8 expressions of Sundanese speech acts of gratitude in the newspapers. Furthermore, the results show that the difference in Japanese online newspapers is that there is a negative politeness strategy, while in Sundanese online newspapers there is no negative politeness strategy. Similarities in online newspapers of both languages use more positive politeness strategies and both languages do not use off record politeness strategies (indirect) in online newspapers.</em></p>Dyana Fitria AzzahraMeira Anggia Putri
Copyright (c) 2024 Dyana Fitria Azzahra, Meira Anggia Putri
<p align="justify"><em>Language is a meaningful means of communication, with various languages spoken around the world, and Japanese is one of them. Japanese has a complex writing system, with kanji being one of the main components that play a significant role in word formation. Word formation consists of various combinations of kanji, either two or more combinations. These combinations form kanji that have a more specific or broad meaning, and this is still a difficulty for some Japanese learners especially in understanding, memorizing, and interpreting the meaning of the combined kanji. This study aims to analyze the meaning of jukugo </em>(<span style="font-family: SimSun;">??</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">)</span><em>, especially those formed from the combination of two kanji, in the lyrics of songs from the album Open a Door by Aimer. Jukugo </em>(<span style="font-family: SimSun;">??</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">)</span><em> refers to the combination of two or more kanji characters that produce a new meaning, which is very important in Japanese. This research explores how two kanji combined create concepts and nuances beyond the basic meaning of each character. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using the listening and note-taking technique for data collection. The data analyzed in this study are jukugo </em>(<span style="font-family: SimSun;">??</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">)</span><em> contained in Aimer's Open A Door album.This research identified 126 data of nijijukugo </em>(<span style="font-family: SimSun;">????</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">)</span><em>, which is a combination of two kanji divided into eight structural formations, 21 data of combined kanji with the same meaning, 10 data of combined kanji with the same meaning.</em><em></em></p>Ahmad Rafi AlbarikDamai Yani
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rafi Albarik
2024-12-202024-12-2072259269Penggunaan Katakana dalam Majalah Weekly Shonen Sunday
<p style="line-height: 100%;" lang="en-US"><em>Manga as Japanese comics, plays animportant role in learning the Japanese. Reading is an effective activity to improve Japanese comprehension, including mastering the scripts. However, Learners often face challenges with the unconventional writing system, such as the use of katakana beyond gairaigo. This study aims to identify and understand the use of katakana in a collection of sh?nen manga from Weekly Sh?nen Sunday No.1, 2024. The research method is qualitative, using content analysis approach to identify categories of katakana usage. Triangulation is applied to ensure data accuracy by using the same katakana usage from three different theory as common categories. The common categories include the use of plant and animal names, onomatopoeia, gairaigo, emphasis, colloquial language and slang, place names and foreign names, and interjections. Additionally, this study identifies other less common uses of katakana, such as for kanji substitution, company or brand names, female names, personal pronouns, furigana, ateji, wasei eigo, konshugo, male names, nicknames, numeral auxiliaries, long vowel sounds, and coined terms. This study provides insights into the varied use of katakana in manga that Japanese language learners may encounter.</em></p>Julian LiangMaulluddul Haq
Copyright (c) 2024 Julian Liang, Maulluddul Haq
<p><em>Humans are social beings who need to interact or communicate with others. In communication, misunderstandings sometimes occur in understanding the intent of speech. Expressive speech acts express the speaker’s psychological condition towards a situation. This study aims to describe the functions of expressive speech acts found in the anime Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using the libas cakap technique as a data collection technique. The data used in this study are utterances containing expressive speech acts in the anime Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai. The results of the study found 73 data divided into 8 functions of expressive speech acts: congratulating 3 data, thanking 13 data, criticizing 10 data, apologizing 12 data, blaming 5 data, praising 9 data, expressing anger 8 data, and complaining 12 data.</em></p>Daffa Ahmad SuhadaPrisyanti Suciaty
Copyright (c) 2024 Daffa Ahmad Suhada, Prisyanti Suciaty
<table class="16" border="1" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="434"><p align="justify"><em>In the Japanese language, there is a distinction between spoken and written language, particularly in the use of sentence-ending particles or shuujoshi. Shuujoshi are sentence-ending particles frequently used in informal language to indicate commands, prohibitions, emotions, and emphasis. Understanding the function of shuujoshi is closely related to the context of the utterance. This study investigates the function of shuujoshi based on the theory of contextual meaning proposed by Rahardi (2019). One of the most famous forms of Japanese entertainment among foreign students and Japan enthusiasts is anime. Anime is Japanese animation that tells various stories with diverse genres. This research examines the shuujoshi "na" and "no" found in the anime Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai by Yoru Sumino, based on the theories of Chino (2008) and Sudjianto (2007). The aim of this research is to describe the functions of the shuujoshi "na" and "no" in the anime Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai by Yoru Sumino. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method, meaning that the research results are in the form of utterance sentences. The research instrument in this study is a human instrument with the aid of data tables. The data source for this research is the anime Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai by Yoru Sumino. Based on the analysis conducted, the researcher found all four functions of the shuujoshi "na". However, for the shuujoshi "no", only two functions were found, and the function indicating an indefinite statement was not found. Additionally, the study discovered the shuujoshi "no" as a replacement for a question particle, which is not included in the theoretical framework used.</em></p></td></tr></tbody></table>laras ameliaDamai Yani
Copyright (c) 2024 laras amelia
2024-12-212024-12-2172305314Penguasaan Katakana Mahasiswa Tahun Masuk 2022 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Negeri Padang
<p><em>This study is motivated by students' difficulties in learning katakana, including challenges in distinguishing, remembering the forms, as well as reading and writing katakana. The aim of this research is to describe the mastery of katakana among students admitted in 2022 to the Japanese Language Education Program at Universitas Negeri Padang. This research employs a descriptive quantitative method with a population of 51 students from the 2022 cohort. A sample of 30 students was selected using random sampling. The research instrument was a test comprising 25 objective and short-answer questions. The results indicate that the average katakana proficiency of the students is 68.73%, categorized as "Fair." This finding reveals that students particularly struggle with writing katakana seion, dakuon, handakuon, and youon, with an average score of 57%. These results highlight the need for increased emphasis on katakana instruction in the learning process to effectively improve students' ability to write and recognize katakana characters.</em></p>Rahma Nadila AyulitaRita Arni
Copyright (c) 2024 Rahma Nadila Ayulita
2024-12-212024-12-2172315328Kriteria Gairaigo dalam Anime K-On! Karya Naoko Yamada
<p><em>This study aims to determine the criteria and meaning of gairaigo derived from English in Anime K-On! The type of research is descriptive qualitative research with the commensurate method and the data source is the K-on! Anime. Out of 95 gairaigo, 34 data were categorized according to the criteria of the absence of words in Japanese to describe something due to culture, 11 data were categorized according to the criteria of the nuances of meaning contained in a foreign word that cannot be represented by an equivalent word in Japanese, 52 data were categorized according to the criteria of foreign words used as gairaigo considered effective and efficient, and 6 data were categorized according to the criteria of foreign words according to language words considered to have a great, good, harmonious taste value. This study also found that some gairaigo can be categorized into more than one criterion.</em></p>Andini LoresMaulluddul Haq
Copyright (c) 2025 Andini Lores, Maulluddul Haq
2025-01-182025-01-1872329343Analisis Fungsi Fukugoudoushi Te iru dalam Novel Yuube no Kare, Ashita no Pan Karya Izumi Kizara
<p><em>Fukugoudoushi is the combination of two verbs that have their own meanings and merge into a new word, also known as compound verbs. The use of fukugoudoushi in novels needs to be researched to avoid errors in interpretation or meaning, as understanding aspects in Indonesian, which is a lexical category, differs from Japanese, which is a grammatical category. This study aims to describe the use of fukugoudoushi in the novel Yuube no Kare, Ashita no Pan by Izumi Kizara using the Te iru fukugoudoushi theory by Masuoka & Takubo and the Te iru aspect theory by Nitta. This research is a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. The data in this study are in the form of sentences containing fukugoudoushi, with the source being the novel Yuube no Kare, Ashita no Pan by Izumi Kizara. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there are 16 sentences containing the Te iru fukugoudoushi function. 4 data points show the condition of an ongoing activity, 6 data points show the condition of the result of an activity, 2 data points show the condition of repeated activities, 2 data points indicate activity completion, 1 data point indicates activities related to experience or personal history, and 1 data point indicates transitional or shifting activities.</em></p>hanifah fauziyahMaulluddul Haq
Copyright (c) 2025 hanifah fauziyah
2025-01-182025-01-1872344353Kemampuan Kanji JLPT N4 Pada Mahasiswa Tahun Masuk 2021 Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Negeri Padang
This research is motivated by the difficulty of students in learning kanji that have two ways of reading kanji, similar kanji forms and have more than one streak. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of JLPT N4 kanji in 2021 entry year students of the Japanese language education program at Padang State University. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. The population in this study were 2021 entry year students of Japanese language education study program at Padang State University, totaling 57 students. The sample of this study amounted to 25 students using random sampling technique. The data in this study are the results of the JLPT N4 kanji ability test with the element on kei gi. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the ability of JLPT N4 kanji is in the “Good” classification with an average of 71.87. The on element of indicator I is in the “With Praise” classification with an average of 88.4. The kei element of indicator II is in the “Excellent” classification with an average of 76. The gi element of indicator III is in the “Less than Adequate” classification with an average of 51.2.Miza Aulia PutriMaulluddul Haq
Copyright (c) 2025 Miza Aulia Putri