Analisis Penggunaan Kanyuu Hyougen Dalam Anime Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen

Febri Wahyu Nasta, Meira Anggia Putri


This study aims to describe the variations and principles of politeness in the use of kanyuu hyougen in the anime kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai: tensai-tachi no renai zunousen. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The data of this study is a dialogue containing kanyuu hyougen and the data source used is the anime kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai: tensai-tachi no renai zunousen episodes 1 to 10. Tthe results of this study showed that there were 35 data of kanyuu hyogen which were classified into 3 forms; 1) ishi no hyougen in the form of  invites 27 data; 2)  ishi no hyougen in the form of question 5 data; 3)  hitei gimon no katachi 3 data. Then based on principle of politeness, there were 22 data which were accordance with the principles of politeness and 13 data which were contrary to the principles of politeness.


kanyuu, hyougen, politeness

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