Mada Fukushi Functions, Anime, Spy X FamilyAbstract
Adverbs in Japanese are called fukushi. Sudjianto and Dahidi (2009: 165) explain that fukushi is a class of words that cannot change form and can be an adverb for yoogen (verb, adjective-i, adjective-na) without the help of other words. Mada is one of the fukushi words that included into the jootai no fukushi type (Sudjianto and Dahidi, 2009: 167). In general, mada gives the meaning of 'still' or 'not yet' depending on the sentence structure. However, Sunakawa et al. (2015: 582-584) divide the functions of mada fukushi into 6 types. Japanese learners in general are only limited to knowing the function of mada into two meanings which are 'still' or 'not yet' depending on the sentence structure. Because of the many functions, the researcher considered the importance of this study for Japanese language learners. The purpose of this research is to find out what are the functions of fukushi mada in the anime Spy X Family Season 1. The research design used is descriptive method and qualitative research. The data source in this research is the anime Spy X Family Season 1. Based on the data that has been analyzed, researchers found 4 out of 6 functions of fukushi mada based on the theory of Sunakawa, et al. (2015) in the data source. The functions found are 1) Expressing something that is expected to happen has not yet happened or has not been completed, 2) Expressing continuity from a time that has passed, 3) Expressing continuity into the future, 4) Indicating something or time still exists or remains. The functions that were not found were the time lapse function and the comparison function.References
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