DOI: Kunci:
Meaning, Indirect Imperative, AnimeAbstrak
This study examines the implementation of the meaning of indirect imperative speech acts contained in the dialogue between the anime characters Kuroshitsuji ?????. The data sources used in this study are the dialogues contained in the Kuroshitsuji????? anime. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, the methods and data collection techniques used are listening and note-taking techniques. The method and technique of presenting the results of data analysis used is an informal method. The results of this study found that indirect imperative speech acts are manifested in two forms, namely indirect imperative speech acts in news sentences (declarative) and interrogative sentences (inrogative). Based on the category of meaning, the meaning of indirect imperative speech acts embodied in news sentences (declarative) and interrogative sentences (interrogative) is divided into 4, namely: the imperative meaning of Meirei's order (??), the meaning of the imperative of Kinshi's prohibition (??), the imperative meaning of Irai's request (??) and the imperative meaning of Kanyuu's invitation (??).
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