Kata Kunci:
Thank You, Speech Acts, Japanese and Sundanese.Abstrak
The expression of gratitude is one of the most frequent expressions in everyday life and plays a very important role in society to build solidarity between individuals and maintain social harmony. In communication, there are several types of speech acts, one of which is the speech act of gratitude which is included in expressive speech acts. This study aims to describe the differences and similarities in the politeness of Japanese and Sundanese thank you speech acts as seen from the strategy of expressing gratitude in online newspapers. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive method and the data used in this research are sentences containing Japanese and Sundanese thank you speech. The data sources taken are from several online newspapers, in Japanese the online newspapers are Mainichi Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, The Yomiuri Shimbun, The Sankei Shimbun, and Oricon News. While in Sundanese language, namely Pikiran Rakyat, Pikiran Rakyat Jabar, Metro Jabar, Malang Hits, Kabar Garut.Com, Galura, Jurnal, and The results showed that there were 10 expressions of Japanese speech acts of gratitude and there were 8 expressions of Sundanese speech acts of gratitude in the newspapers. Furthermore, the results show that the difference in Japanese online newspapers is that there is a negative politeness strategy, while in Sundanese online newspapers there is no negative politeness strategy. Similarities in online newspapers of both languages use more positive politeness strategies and both languages do not use off record politeness strategies (indirect) in online newspapers.
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